Couture Custard for Cool Customers
I had the best Giandujia ice cream made from Michel Cluizel chocolate and Piedmont Hazelnuts from the coolest gourmet ice cream truck parked outside of Barney's Coop on the Upper West Side. The guy who works the truck said that it was his friend's brilliant idea to bring the Van Leeuwen experience to the streets of New York. And while I'll always have a soft spot for Mister Softee 's Jingle and their vanilla cone with chocolate sprinkles, I'll definitely splurge for a few bucks more (a small cup was about $3.75) for the hormone free, locally sourced custard that tastes more like gelato than plastic. Even the cups and spoons were a nice tactile experience and when I checked out the website I learned that they were made from renewable sugar cane and corn husk. The Ginger ice cream was quite delicious as well. Can't wait to try the Red Currant and Pistachio or one of their sundaes which come with Cluizel fudge and whipped cream. Yum!
Oh yum! I'm not an ice cream fan at all, but when I do decide to indulge, I love something different. This sounds divine.
This stuff sounds really sweet; my misgivings about mainstream ice cream are usually due to bovine growth hormone. PS. I can't believe I missed your previous post. Where have I been?
this is great! ice cream on motorcycles here are becoming extinct in malaysia... even so i don't even see the bread seller on motorcyles anymore.. it's sad.
Wow I love it an entire blog about chocolate!
YOU must come to Europe and try our stuff too!
Great site! Would you want to swap links with my new chocolate beer website? I would be more than happy to return the favor. :)
Title: Chocolate Beer
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