Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Are you a Chocoiste?
The Godiva street team was deployed in Flatiron yesterday handing out free clutch sized candy bars and related Chocoiste campaign paraphernalia to people leaving their 9-5s. I've never been much of a fan but I can't deny that their bitter sweet dark chocolate candy bar fillled with creamy chocolate ganache ain't half bad for a freebie.


C... said...

Hmmm chocolate freebies. where was I?

E.A. Aleksandroff, alias GT said...

Weird thing about me is I usually don't like expensive chocolate, it's too rich. Carlos 5to back home is sweet and simple and 50 American cents. I haven't eaten a lot of Godiva but I crunched my fair share of Lindt truffles because grandma sends us them for every holiday, and they're like a soft-boiled egg--yummy, exquisite, but sort of too much.